Das neue Erklärvideo von Open Science "SARS-CoV-2: Totimpfstoffe" ist fertig - rechtzeitig zum Start der Impfung mit dem Proteinimpfstoff von Novavax! Das Video, das in Kooperation mit dem Doktoratskolleg RNA-Biologie und der FH Campus Wien entstanden ist, erklärt, wie inaktivierte Ganzvirus- und Proteinimpfstoffe gegen COVID-19 hergestellt werden, was sie beinhalten und wie sie wirken.    

Labbuddy - Training lab teaching

Thursday, 27 January 2022 09:12
We developed a training on teaching in the lab, in which we will provide teachers with tips and tricks that will help them inspire student learning in the lab. Laboratory course teaching fundamentals Teaching seems easy…….. ………until the moment you need to teach! Teaching is a true profession, but everyone can learn how to teach. Do you need to teach because of your Ph.D. study, or are you a teacher by profession? Do you want to learn the basic teaching skills for teaching in the lab? Or do you like to understand how current didactical and technical skills work for modern lab education? We share our best expertise in teaching lab education based on multiple years of experience and scientific educational research. In this course we will discuss what happens in the laboratory, what behaviour students exhibit, and how to explain this behaviour. Then, knowing what is causing students behaviour,…
Do you have an entrepreneurial idea that you want to develop under the guidance of experts? Are you ready to sound out your entrepreneurial spirit? Then the LBG Career Center might have the right program for you! Within the 4 Fellowships 4 Entrepreneurs program, you will build foundational knowledge about entrepreneurship, receive support on your journey to launching your ideas, and start on the path to becoming an entrepreneur.Throughout 9 months, you will be able to network with other entrepreneurs, learn skills related to launching your idea, and take the first important step in building your business. Application deadline: February 11, 2022 Details: https://cc.lbg.ac.at/news/open-call-for-applications-4-fellowships-4-entrepreneurs-2022/?lang=en