Die ÖGMBT ist international sehr gut vernetzt und ist Mitglied bei mehreren facheinschlägigen wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften. ÖGMBT Mitglieder sind automatisch Mitglieder dieser Gesellschaften und können Leistungen wie z.B. Reisestipendien, Short-term und Long-term Fellowships u.a.m. in Anspruch nehmen. Aktuelle CALLS und Deadlines erhalten Mitglieder mit dem ÖGMBT Newsletter. Nähere Informationen zu den jeweiligen Organisationen finden Sie auf den jeweiligen Webseiten bzw. in dieser Übersicht:
FEBS The Federation of European Biochemical Societies 
- funding an annual Young Scientists’ Forum in conjunction with the annual Congress for scientific exchange and support for careerdevelopment. Attendance of both events is fully sponsored.
- Advanced Courses on focused bioscience research topics throughout the FEBS area, for research updates, networking, education and training
- FEBS Congress Bursaries and Advanced Courses Youth Travel Fund grants
- Awarding prizes and medals in recognition of scientific distinction
- endorsing actions on women in science
- supporting science in disadvantaged economies of the FEBS area
- four international scientific journals – FEBS Journal, FEBS Letters, Molecular Oncology and FEBS Open Bio
- various types of Fellowships for pre-and post-doctoral bioscientists, to facilitate research, training and mobility
- workshops on biochemistry and molecular biology education
- following and making recommendations on European science policy and organizing science and society workshops
- supporting Constituent Society events through FEBS3+ and National Lecture programmes
- sponsoring worldwide lectures at bioscience society meetings across the globe
- providing updates on FEBS programmes, news from the FEBS community and Constituent Societies, and events and job listings via the FEBS website and FEBS News
- Joining FEBS Committees offers opportunities to actively participate in decision making processes such as Science and Society issues, fellowships allocation, granting of prices and awards, etc.
- The FEBS Network platform was recently launched as a new online international forum for scientists working in the molecular and cellular life sciences. It provides opportunities to share advice, news and insights, and to connect and collaborate.The platform initially focused on ‘channels’ of expert content for targeted general audiences, such as early-career scientists, university teachers or registrants interested in science and society issues. Other scientists join the community as 'Users' creating a profile page presenting their interest and posting content. Such content will also be featured on the network in 'Latest from all the community'. Enlarging support for its members during the first year FEBS has opened private ‘rooms’ as support and extension for FEBS community groups and FEBS-supported meetings.
EFB European Federation of Biotechnology
- Sections, Working Groups and Task Groups are the keystones of EFB as they initiate and organize most of the EFB's activities
- 10% discount on registration fee for all meetings organized by the EFB (please use code EFBIM10 at the checkout)
- grants and community programs
- European Congress on Biotechnology
- Journal: New Biotechnology
Have a look at the five-year strategy 2019-2023 of EFB.
FEMS Federation of European Microbiological Societies 
- Research Grant assists Early Career Scientist for research up to 3 months
- FEMS Meeting attandance grants
- Meeting Grants & National and Regional Congresses Grants for microbiological events of member societies
- Mäkelä – Cassell Exchange Programme for Early Career Scientists. These grants are intended to support travel and living costs of the grantee
- 5 Journals: FEMS Microbiology Ecology (*), FEMS Microbiology Letters, FEMS Microbiology Reviews, FEMS Yeast Research and Pathogens and Disease
- FEMS Awards
- the bienially FEMS Congress
- (*) FEMS Microbiology Ecology authors have the option to publish their paper under the Oxford Open initiative; whereby, for a charge, their paper will be made freely available online immediately upon publication. After your manuscript is accepted the corresponding author will be required to accept a mandatory license to publish agreement. As part of the licensing process you will be asked to indicate whether or not you wish to pay for open access. If you do not select the open access option, your paper will be published with standard subscription-based access and you will not be charged.
- Oxford Open articles are published under Creative Commons licences: Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY), Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial licence (CC BY-NC) or Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives licence (CC BY-NC). Visit the OUP licensing website to find out more about Creative Commons licences.
- Charges for CC BY, CC BY-NC and CC BY-NC-ND: Regular charge: £2435 / $3955 / €3213, Member rate: £2070 / $3361 / €2731
- The member rate is available to authors who are current members of FEMS Member Societies (listed on FEMS Member Societies) and to current members of the European Academy of Microbiology (listed on FEMS Members). Authors are required to indicate their membership in their covering letter. Please note that authors may be asked to prove eligibility for the member discount by providing membership number or identification – please include proof of membership in your covering letter where possible.
Als Mitglied vertritt die ÖGMBT über Delegierte die Interessen der österreichischen Life Science Szene bei Generalversammlungen und stellt zum Teil Funktionäre diverser Komitees dieser Gesellschaften.
Folgende ÖGMBT Delegierte sind derzeit tätig:
Barbara Kofler - FEBS Delegierte
Diethard Mattanovich - EFB Delegierter
Michael Sauer - FEMS Delegierter
Folgende ÖGMBT Mitglieder sind in den Mitgliedergesellschaften tätig:
Diethard Mattanovich – EFB Vicepresident
Andreas Hartig – FEBS Member of the Working Group for the FEBS Network
Tim Skern – FEBS Member of Fellowship Committee
Günther Koraimann - FEBS Ambassador on Education