ÖGMBT organizes various events in the field of Life Sciences.

Events AnnualMeeting

ÖGMBT Annual Meeting

Every year in September the who-is-who of Austrian Life Sciences meets in alternating locations (Salzburg, Graz, Innsbruck and Vienna) to listen to renown speakers and young scientists presenting their latest findings, to discuss state-of-the-art science, to network and to learn about new products and services by suppliers showcased in the industry exhibition.
Young presenters can win prizes for Best Short Talks/Best Posters given at the Annual Meeting.
As a highlight of the Annual Meeting the prestigious Life Sciences Awards Austria are bestowed.

Save the dates of the upcoming annual meetings:

  • 16th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting "Life Sciences - Tackling the Challenges of the 21st Century", Graz/ReSoWi center&University library, September 17-19, 2024
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Events LSCF

Life Sciences Career Fair

The ÖGMBT caters to the booming job market in Life Sciences and gives young scientists the opportunity to meet recruiters from various companies/institutions at the Life Sciences Career Fair.

  • Save the date: The next Life Sciences Career Fair will take place on May 28, 2024 at the FH Campus Wien in Vienna!
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ÖGBMT WG CellBased Logo

Workshop „Advanced Cell Culture Technologies”

The next workshop on "Advanced Cell Culture Technologies” will not be held at the ÖGMBT annual meeting 2024 but will instead take place as a spearate event in spring 2025.
Events YLSA

YLSA (Young Life Scientists Austria) Events

The bottom up initiative of ÖGMBT Young Life Scientists Austria (YLSA) organizes many science and career related events live and online for young researchers for BA through to Post Doc.

Events Collaborative

Collaborative Events

ÖGMBT organises events in the field of life sciences with other societies or institutions, like the biannual international miCROPe syposium "Microbe-Assisted Crop Production – opportunities, challenges and needs”, EFS - European Fusarium Seminar 2018 or the the GGBN - Global Genome Biodiversity Network Congress 2018 to name a few.

Event calendar transp

Event Calendar

Our Event Calendar gives an overview on the events going on in the Life Science field worldwide. Be sure to check events for ÖGMBT member discounts!

Events RelatedSocietyBenefits

Participate and benefit as an ÖGMBT member

ÖGMBT is a national member society of the FEBS, FEMS and EFB societies. As such, ÖGMBT members benefit from discounts at events of all these paneuropean societies.