To be announced. More Exhibitors will be added in due time. Click on a logo for more information about an exhibitor.
acib GmbH

acib is a non-profit research centre funded by COMET (Competence Center of Excellent Technologies). As part of its broad spectrum of expertise, it is committed to “Better Health for all” and the "Bio-based circular economy transition“. acib is a leading Open Innovation platform for biotechnological R&D in Europe, based on international collaboration between academic science and industry.
Number of Staff:
Vienna, Tulln, GrazHomepage:
www.acib.atPositions offered:
short-term internship; BSc thesis; MSc thesis; PhD position; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionCandidates wanted:
PhD positions, PostDocs, Staff Scientists, Technicians,...anapur AG

Know-How in Automation and IT combined with Years of Experience in Critical Processes
Your Critical Processes are in Good Hands
anapur handles complex security solutions tailored to fit the specific requirements of different sectors and companies. The company portfolio covers the entire life cycle of automation and production data systems – from consulting of operator requirements up to operation and maintenance.
anapur combines know-how and experience in automation and IT while meeting high demands in quality and security. We aim for the highest optimization and security of your productivity. You can benefit from our know-how in handling safety-related tasks: We have proven our expertise in numerous projects for well-known customers.
Number of Staff:
anapur Region Wien in Wiener Neudorf, anapur Region Ludwigshafen in Frankenthal (Pfalz)Homepage:
https://anapur.de/Positions offered:
entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionCandidates wanted:
Persons interested in Automatization / Digitalization / IT for critical (physical) processes with high demands for Security, Safety and Quality - e.g GMP/GxP, NIS-G, IEC62443biotechjobs.at

Biotechjobs.at hat die meisten Stellenauschreibungen im Bereich Biotechnologie, Life-Science, Pharmazie und Lebensmitteltechnologie in Österreich. Finde alle Unternehmen der Branche auf einer Plattform!
https://www.biotechjobs.at/Boehringer Ingelheim

The Regional Center Vienna (RCV), part of the German pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim, is responsible for over 30 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and in Asia. It is thus one of the company’s most important sites and is also a flagship enterprise in the Austrian capital. It employs around 3,500 people in medical research, production and administration.
As the center of Boehringer Ingelheim’s oncology research, Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG in Vienna is one of the most important sites within the global group of companies. We carry out research on new substances for cancer and other diseases and test them in clinical trials. The second focus is the development and production of biopharmaceuticals for ourselves and others.
Our common goal is to achieve breakthroughs in the treatment of diseases and to advance medical research.
Number of Staff:
3700 in ViennaLocations:
https://www.boehringer-ingelheim.com/at/karrierePositions offered:
short-term internship; MSc thesis; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised position; information/consultationCandidates wanted:
A scientific education of some sort is important (Apprenticeship, HTL, Bachelor, Master, or PhD). We prefer candidates with a goal/plan of what exactly they want to achieve . We are looking for ambition, passion and structure in our candidates.dsm-firmenich

Why dsm-firmenich?
It’s a fair question. Allow us to answer it with a few more.
Where else can you be a true innovator in your field? Deliver scientific breakthroughs that address the most pressing needs of people, climate, and nature? Join forces for good with close to 30,000 super-talented people, drawn from every corner of the globe?
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve got a long history behind us and an exciting future ahead – with lots to offer our amazing employees.
Number of Staff:
Vienna, Tulln and Getzersdorf, Austria; Kaiseraugst, Switzerland; Maastricht, Netherlands; other global locationsHomepage:
https://www.dsm-firmenich.com/corporate/careers.htmlPositions offered:
short-term internship; PhD position; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionCandidates wanted:
Life Science degree, first workexperience in LS industry preferredEURAXESS Austria

Are you looking for job opportunities and career support in research and innovation?
As a researcher (doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researcher, etc.) you will find all information for a research stay in Austria regarding:
* job offers and funding opportunities
* career development
* information and assistance for your research stay
* issues regarding daily life
As an organisation active in research and innovation, you can
* look for the “best brains” for your vacant posts
*post your job or hosting offers
* find assistance with the appointment of international researchers
https://www.euraxess.atPositions offered:
PhD position; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised position; information/consultationFH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences

With more than 8,000 students, FH Campus Wien is the largest university of applied sciences in Austria. The Biotechnology Section as part of Department of Applied Life Sciences at FH Campus Wien, includes the bachelor's degree program Molecular Biotechnology and the English-language master's degree program Molecular Biotechnology. The Bioengineering Section covers the engineering side of biotechnology. This includes the bachelor's degree program Bioengineering as well as the master degree programs Biotechnological Quality Management, Bioprocess Engineering and Bioinformatics.
Research and development are a significant and growing part of the activities of the Department of Applied Life Sciences at FH Campus Wien. Partnerships with renowned universities, research institutes and hospitals as well as project-related funding from FFG, FWF and MA23 prove the recognized research expertise of the Biotechnology Section.
Number of Staff:
Vienna, AustriaHomepage:
www.fh-campuswien.ac.atPositions offered:
BSc thesis; MSc thesisCandidates wanted:
Bachelor's degree graduates, Technicians, Scientists, PhD students, Post-docsglobe

Globe is a personal service company, we are specialized in connecting our clients with the most qualified individuals. For you we identify the most suitable job opportunities!
On grounds of our long history in Life Science recruitment, we are connected to various influential Biotech companies.
Our philosophy is that change is constant and certain. With our expertise we prepare our customers and candidates for this journey and guide them successfully to their goals.
As being an empowering part in many success stories we are looking forward to becoming part of yours!
Number of Staff:
https://www.globe.at/Positions offered:
entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised position; information/consultationInstitute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

The Institute of Science and Technology Austria - ISTA is a cross-disciplinary research institution that combines basic science research with graduate education. Our scientists perform theoretical and experimental research in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Information and System Sciences. ISTA offers excellent infrastructure, an English-speaking, internationally diverse community, and close proximity to Vienna. The institute offers career opportunities at many different stages, in science, scientific support, and administration.
Careers in Science: internship and PhD positions for BSc and MSc students, postdoc positions for PhD students, and faculty positions for outstanding scientists.
Careers in Administration and Scientific Services: scientific support in Microscopy, Nanofabrication, Preclinical, Scientific Computing, positions in academic and business administration (e.g.; Grant management, Faculty recruiting, Communications, etc.), and IT.
Jobs at ISTA: ista.ac.at/en/jobs
Number of Staff:
Klosterneuburg, AustriaHomepage:
https://ista.ac.at/en/home/Positions offered:
short-term internship; PhD position; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionCandidates wanted:
Students with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree for internship and PhD positions; PhD graduates for postdoc positions; highly qualified scientists for faculty positions; scientific and admin profiles for scientific services and administration positions.life-science Karriere Services

Online job-market focussed on natural scientists, life scientists, bio scientists and similar.
Networking - Social Network and Members Area for natural scientists.
Career Services - CV-check, webinars, information.
https://life-science.euPositions offered:
PhD position; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised position; information/consultationCandidates wanted:
graduates, young professionals, experienced professionals, experts all kind of bio sciences, life sciences, natural sciencesLorenz Consult ZT Gmbh

Lorenz Consult ZT GmbH begeistert sich für innovative Gesamtplanungen von technologisch und nachhaltig anspruchsvollen Gebäuden zur Optimierung des Gesundheitswesens, des Stahl- und Industriebaues sowie der Reinraum-Technologie.
Mit mehr als 50 Jahren Erfahrung entwickeln, planen und realisieren wir Bauprojekte von der Idee bis zur Begleitung in der Betriebsphase. Wir bieten Expertenwissen in Fachgebieten der Statik, Konstruktion, Haustechnik, Hochbau und Baumanagement.
Wir setzen auf Technologieführerschaft durch professionelle Digitalisierungsprozesse und haben damit einen wesentlichen Wettbewerbsvorsprung.
Unsere Mitarbeiter*innen mit ihrem Wissen sind unser Kapital. Wir legen großen Wert auf Weiterbildung und gewähren ein großes Schulungsbudget. Wir bieten ein modernes Arbeitsumfeld in einer offenen Unternehmenskultur mit vielen Benefits und lustigen Firmenevents.
Durch das breite Betätigungsfeld stehen für deine persönlichen Interessen mehrere Karrierewege offen. Komm ins Team!
Number of Staff:
Graz, Wien, Linz, VillachHomepage:
https://www.lorenz-consult.at/Positions offered:
short-term internship; BSc thesis; MSc thesis; PhD position; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionCandidates wanted:
Wir suchen Kandidaten mit einem Ausbildungsschwerpunkt in der Technik (zB. Bautechnik, Architektur, Gebäude- /Energietechnik, Verfahrenstechnik) und in der Life Science. Diese Kombinationen können in der Gebäude- und Reinraumplanung eingesetzt werden.MSD Österreich

For 130 years, we have been working to research and develop solutions for health problems worldwide. In the USA and Canada, we are Merck & Co, Inc. based in Rahway, NJ, USA. In the rest of the world, we are known as MSD. In terms of sales, MSD is one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world. MSD employs around 68,000 people in more than 140 countries worldwide.
In Austria, we are represented at three sites with around 950 employees. Our two sites for human and veterinary medicine are located in Vienna, while another production site for animal health is located near Vienna, in Krems an der Donau in Lower Austria.
We are committed to patients and the health of the population by improving access to healthcare through far-reaching measures, programs and partnerships.
Number of Staff:
Our company has a variety of locations across the globe. In Austria, our 3 locations are in Krems and Vienna.Homepage:
https://www.msd.at/de/msd-in-oesterreich/Positions offered:
position with first experienceOctapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsgesellschaft m.b.H.

Octapharma ist auf die Entwicklung und Herstellung von hochreinen Arzneimitteln aus menschlichem Blutplasma spezialisiert. Als Teil eines Familienunternehmens ist Octapharma Wien nicht nur der größte Produktions-, sondern auch ein erfolgreicher Forschungsstandort der Octapharma Gruppe.
Octapharma specializes in the development of highly pure pharmaceuticals made of human blood plasma. As part of a family-owned enterprise, Octapharma in Vienna is not only the largest production site, but also a successful research location of the Octapharma Group.
Number of Staff:
1.500 in Austria/12.000 worldwideLocations:
Vienna, Lachen, Stockholm, Lingolsheim, Springe, Dessau, Heidelberg, LangenfeldHomepage:
https://www.octapharma.com/Positions offered:
short-term internship; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionCandidates wanted:
Life Science education and experience, technical, productionÖGMBT Young Life Scientists Austria

Discover your full potential as a young life scientist with the Young Life Scientists Austria (YLSA)! This incredible initiative, brought to you by the Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT), is dedicated to empowering and supporting young life scientists across Austria.
Our passionate team of volunteers, spread out across four branches (EAST in Vienna, WEST in Innsbruck, NORTH in Salzburg, SOUTH in Graz), organizes a variety of exciting events that showcase the diverse career opportunities available to young life scientists. From informative talks to engaging workshops, we're committed to helping you achieve your professional goals and flourish in your chosen field.
Join us today and take the first step towards building a successful career as a life scientist. With YLSA, the possibilities are endless!
Number of Staff:
https://www.oegmbt.at/ueber-uns/oegmbt-ylsaCandidates wanted:
Voluntary servicePfizer Manufacturing Austria

Pfizer Manufacturing Austria GmbH is a Pfizer site for production and quality control in Orth an der Donau (Lower Austria). Two vaccines are manufactured here for export worldwide. Around 15 million vaccine doses leave the plant every year. The site also supports Pfizer's global research activities. It provides production and quality control capacities for the manufacture of plasmids for the Pfizer mRNA platform. Employees also carry out quality controls for vaccines from the global Pfizer pipeline in the international quality control centre. A total of around 360 employees work here, including people from the fields of biochemistry, food and biotechnology, molecular biology and medical informatics.
Number of Staff:
Orth an der Donau, Austria, globalHomepage:
https://www.pfizer.at/Positions offered:
PhD position; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionPhoenestra Gmbh

Phoenestra is a start-up company focusing on stem cell-derived technology platforms and products. Our mission is to bring stem cell-derived product closer to patients in need, e.g. in Regenerative Medicine aplications. We establish induced pluripotent stem cell lines from urine samples of patients and healthy volunteers, we develop scalable processes to grow and differentiate stem cells into progenitor and tissue cells. Also we isolate and purify components from the secretome of stem cells and differentiated cells for evaluation as potential therapeutics.
Number of Staff:
Huemerstrasse 3-5, 4020 Linz (AustriaHomepage:
https://www.phoenestra.comPositions offered:
entry-level positionCandidates wanted:
Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering, Cell and Molecular Biology, Molecular BiologyRockfish Bio AG

Rockfish Bio is a biotech startup company located in the vicinity of the Vienna BioCenter and dedicated to promote healthy aging by developing senolytic therapies for age-related diseases. We are therefore focused on pharmaceutical drug development, using conventional small molecule and mRNA-based approaches. We recently established in vivo proof-of-concept and will now concentrate our efforts on drug screening and preclinical disease models in the next months. We are therefore searching for highly motivated personel to set-up our tissue histology lab and to re-enforce our mammalian cell culture staff for the upcoming screening activities. Be a part of this exciting journey to a better future where people stay healthy, active and independent even at old age.
Number of Staff:
Leberstraße 20, 1110 Vienna, AustriaHomepage:
https://www.rockfishbio.com/Positions offered:
entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionCandidates wanted:
We are looking for laboratory technicians with experience in tissue histology or mammalian cell culture and a senior scientist (Msc. or PhD) experienced in tissue histology.Sigmapharm Arzneimittel GmbH

Sigmapharm Arzneimittel GmbH is an internationally operating Austrian company with tradition that – together with MoNo chem-pharm Produkte GmbH – successfully develops, produces and sells prescription and non-prescription medicine and medical devices. We specialise in sterile and non-sterile liquid products which we produce in our factories in Vienna and Hornstein next to Eisenstadt. With us you can expect a wide range of tasks, great team support and personal development. Find out about your career opportunities in the areas of analytics, quality management, regulatory affairs, production and project management!
Number of Staff:
Vienna and Hornstein/ EisenstadtHomepage:
www.sigmapharm.at, www.mono.co.atPositions offered:
entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionCandidates wanted:
studies in life sciences, pharmaceutical studies, chemistry etc. and GMP knowledgeSt. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung GmbH

St. Anna CCRI strives to improve treatment for children and adolescents with cancer by bringing together translational and clinical research with exploration of basic disease mechanisms. Every year, 250-300 children and adolescents in Austria alone are diagnosed with cancer. Thanks to research, more than 80% of these children will survive. Integrally connected with St. Anna Children’s Hospital, experimental and theoretical scientists at St. Anna CCRI work side-by-side with oncologists to tackle eminent issues in pediatric cancer research and therapy.
St. Anna CCRI trains a generation of researchers and it hosts state-of-the-art experimental facilities to power it’s mission. St. Anna CCRI tears down conventional boundaries by constant exchange and collaboration with outside institutions for the greater benefit of the patient. Bringing research from bench to bedside, the institute headquarters clinical trials and is integrated in international networks to maximize innovation and impact.
Vienna, AustriaHomepage:
https://ccri.at/Positions offered:
BSc thesis; MSc thesis; PhD position; entry-level position; position with first experience; specialised positionUniversity for Continuing Education Krems

University for Continuing Education Krems is the leading public university for continuing education in Europe. With its expertise in teaching and research it works to overcome societal challenges.
Within the German-speaking countries we are the only public university for continuing education. We have many years of experience in which we have established our leadership in the field of university-based continuing education. Our ambition is to provide outstanding quality to the highest international standards.
Our study model is oriented toward the specific requirements of adult learners in all phases of life and especially to the needs of working professionals.
The (professional) experience of our students and teachers is embedded in our teaching and research activities and ensures an intense transfer of knowledge and skills.
Our campus offers a service-oriented and inspiring working environment for our students and staff.
Number of Staff:
Krems, AustriaHomepage:
http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/Positions offered:
information/consultationCandidates wanted:
Two years of professional experience in the biotech, pharmaceutical or medical technology sectorUniversity of Vienna

The Doctoral School in Microbiology and Environmental Science at the University of Vienna is an interdisciplinary doctoral school at the interface of microbiology, molecular ecology and environmental geosciences. We address current challenges in 21st century society: the role of microbiomes, adaptation and resistance mechanisms, biogeochemistry, pollutant dynamics and nutrient fluxes - in global change and for human, animal, plant and environmental health. The mission of the doctoral school is the advancement of education and research in microbiology and environmental science. Therefore, the central strategic goals of the doctoral school are excellent training of PhD candidates and advancing science through internationally competitive basic, translational and applied investigations. Our aims comprise selective recruitment, consistent high quality of supervision, excellent training and infrastructure, and administrative as well as financial support to the students.
https://vds-mes.univie.ac.at/Positions offered:
PhD positionZETA GmbH

Ein Job, der Sinn macht! Als global agierender Generalplaner und Anlagenbauer unterstützt ZETA Pharma- und Biotechunternehmen dabei, lebenswichtige Wirkstoffe wie Antikrebsmittel, Insulin und Infusionen schneller auf den Markt zu bringen.
ZETA designt, baut, automatisiert, digitalisiert und qualifiziert maßgeschneiderte Anlagen für aseptische Produktionsprozesse. Mit 28 Niederlassungen weltweit und rund 1500 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern bieten wir dir ein internationales Arbeitsumfeld, in dem du in interkulturellen und interdisziplinären Teams deine Ideen verwirklichen kannst.
Neben spannenden Projekten erwarten dich zahlreiche Benefits wie flexible Arbeitszeiten, Aus- und Weiterbildungen, Gesundheitsförderungen, Fitnessangebote, Mitarbeiter-Rabatte, Team-Events, betriebliche Zukunftsvorsorge, Essenszuschuss, uvm.
Werde Teil eines dynamischen Teams und nutze deine Innovationskraft,
indem Du einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Gesundheit in unserer Welt leistest!