For participation at the Annual Meeting, follow these steps:
- Register in the online registration system. At this stage your personal data will be requested. You will receive a registration confirmation e-mail with login instructions after your registration is completed. The further steps will require you to login to the registration system.
- Pay any open registration fee in the registration system.
- (Optional) Submit your Scientific Abstract for your session of interest in the registration system. This step requires prior payment of any open registration fees (see step2).
Please note that your registration & abstract submission is only valid after payment of any open registration fees.
Liability and insurance
The organisers cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of/damage to private property of participants. Participants are advised to take out their own personal travel and health insurance for their trip.
The registration system will open here in spring 2025!
Fees / Cancellation
Registration fees:
To be announced. |
Cancellations and refunds:
To be announced.
The fee for participants includes:
- Admission to all plenary and scientific sessions, workshops and satellite events
- Goodie backpack including programm booklet of the Annual Meeting
- Food&drinks during coffee breaks and lunch
- "Wine & Science" reception
- Participation at the social activity
- Admission to industry exhibition and participation in the "Exhibitor Quiz"
- Any company presentations and workshop
Possibility of travel grants:
The ÖGMBT awards travel grants to actively support young scientists (Master and PhD students, as well as PostDocs) in participating in national and international congresses. For more details click HERE.
Payment methods:
All payments are made via the online registration system (login box at the right of the top navigation menu) and can be made at the end of the registration process. Please note that payment of registration fees is required before abstract submission!
We offer several options for online payment which can be selected when placing an order (available options may depend on country) via our payment processor (Mollie B.V.) :
EPS | SOFORT | Giropay | Apple Pay* |
MasterCard | American Express | VISA | Maestro |
SEPA bank transfer ** (SEPA-countries only!) |
* Apple Pay will only be available as an option on the payment screen if a supported device is used.
** SEPA bank transfers are only supported from SEPA Countries (mainly EU)!.
Key Dates
Key Dates
Dates to be announced |
Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission
IMPORTANT: Prior registration and payment of registration fees is required for abstract submission.
After completion of your registration you can login to the online registration system (login box at top right of the top navigation menu) with the instructions from your registration confirmation e-mail and submit an abstract for the Annual Meeting. All abstracts must be submitted using the online registration system and require payment of the registration fee before submission.
Abstracts submitted before the oral abstract submission deadline will be considered for either a poster or an oral presentation (either a short talk or a science flash) by the scientific committee. All participants will be automatically notified via e-mail of the acceptance of their abstract and type of presentation. The acceptance and selection status of your abstract is also available via the registration system. For the submisison deadlines please refer to our key-dates.
Please prepare an abstract consisting of a title (250 characters max.), up to 18 authors and an abstract body (2500 characters max.). In the online editor you may use simple formatting elements such as bold, italic, underline, super & subscript and special characters in both the title and abstract. No images or tables are allowed.
Oral presentations on-site
Plenary Speaker Talks will be 30 minutes talk and 10 minutes discussion.
Invited Speaker Talks will be 25 minutes talk and 5 minutes discussion.
Short Talks will be 12 minutes talk and 3 minutes discussion.
Science Flash Talks are a mixed format with a short 3 minute oral presentation teaser for your poster and a corresponding poster with the discussion taking place at the poster during the respective afternoon poster session. If you have been assigned a Science Flash please upload your presentation in PDF format (max. 4 Slides, max. 2MB size) in the registration system under "Science flash Upload".
Please submit your presentation on a USB-Stick in PDF or MS Office format to the technician in the lecture hall at the latest in the break before your session. A windows presentation computer will be provided. The beamer resolution is 1920x1080 and the projection screen has 16:9 format.
Posters on-site
Poster presentations: Please prepare a poster max. size DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm), portrait format (upright). There will be several poster sessions. The number of your poster can be found in the poster table within the program book or will be available here later for download.
Prizes for Best Short Talk / Best Poster
Each young scientist who has submitted an abstract has the chance to win one of the prizes for Best Talk or Best Poster. From all talks and posters the chairs will nominate prize winners.
Prizes will be bestowed in the following categories:
- Best Talk: Sponsored by
- Best Poster Prizes: Sponsored by
These prizes will be awarded during the Closing Ceremony.