Best Talk & Poster Prizes

At ÖGMBT Annual Meetings

Out of all talks and poster presentations at the ÖGMBT’s Annual Meeting, several prizes for the Best Talk and Best Poster are awarded to young scientists each year. Click on the respective link for more information about these awards.

Upcoming Event: 17th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting

These was the winners:

2024 16th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting "Life Sciences - Tackling the Challenges of the 21st Century"

2023 15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting “Life Sciences and cutting-edge Technologies”

2022 14th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting „Life Sciences - Now more than ever"

2021 13th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting „From Molecular Machines to Translational Medicine“

2020 12th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting „Biomolecules for the 21st Century“

2019 11th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting „Inside the World of Biomolecules“

2018 10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting „10 years of life, science and molecules”

2017 9th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting „Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Human Diseases”

2016 8th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting „Life Sciences for the Next Generation“

2015 7th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting „Salzburg goes Science“

2014 6th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting "Life Sciences Meet Entrepreneurship":

Best Talk Awards sponsored by Biozym and Prof. Ernst Müllner goes to Simone Kurz, Markus Tomek, Mario Kuttke and Jonas Ramoni


Angela Sessitsch, Mario Kuttke



Angela Sessitsch, Jonas Ramoni


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Simone Kurz, Markus Tomek

Best Poster Awards sponsored by Prof. Ernst Müllner goes to Antonio Biundo, Eva Maria Putz, Andrea Düregger, Christina Andrea Müller, Eva Stappler, Justyna Nocon, Iulia Danciu, Stefan Unterweger, Alba Hykollari, Andreas Weinhäusel, Anna Bachmayr-Heyda, Verena Bachmann, Stefan Hofbauer, Elisabeth Svehla


2013 5th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting:

Best Talk Awards sponsored by Affymetrix and Biozym goes to Markus Schosserer, Lukas Schafferer and Julian E. Fuchs


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Lukas Huber, Markus Schosserer, Lukas Schafferer, Julian E. Fuchs, Ludger Hengst

Best Poster Awards sponsored by Prof. Ernst Müllner goes to Sara Flür, Birgit Lengerer, Birgit Ploier, Maximilian Seiter, Oliver Schmidt, Markus Tschurtschenthaler

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2012 4th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting:

 Best Talk Awards sponsored by New England Biolabs and Biozym goes to Mathias Loibl und Jay Patankar and Best Poster Awards sponsored by Prof. Ernst Müllner goes to Anastasia Bragina, Julia Reindl, Melanie Hirz, Barbara Petschacher, Amin El-Heliebi, Claudia Ramprecht and Birgit Plochberger


 Anastasia Bragina, Julia Reindl, Melanie Hirz, Barbara Petschacher, Amin El-Heliebi, Claudia Ramprecht, Jay Patankar, Mathias Loibl


At external scientific events

ÖGMBT is also supporting young scientists at external scientific meetings all over Austria by sponsoring prizes:

DocDays at TU Graz, February 8, 2024

Winners Talks resized

Winners best talks from left to right: Lennart Hartig, Janine Tolksdorf, Markus Braun


Winners Poster resized

Winners best posters from left to right: Sophia Chrysostomou, Tina Lanzmaier, Jasmin Zuson


DocDays at TU Graz, February 9, 2023

 DocDay winners

 From left to right: Lena Parigger (best poster), Kristina Kosic (best poster), Vera Lambauer (best talk) and Jutta Hafner (best talk).


Life Science PhD Meeting at University of Innsbruck, April 3-5, 2023

Best Poster Award on Thursday

Dhwani Korde, University Clinic for Psychiatry I, MUI: “Spreading of P301S aggregated tau

investigated in organotypic mouse brain slice cultures”

Best Poster Award on Friday

Marcel Tisch, Genomics, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, LFU: “Patient-derived

stem cells to study the pathology of autism spectrum disorders related voltage-gated calcium

channel gain-of-function mutations”

Best Talk on Thursday

Isabel Singer, Cell Biology, MUI : “Protein interactions and metabolic signalling at the lysosome”

Best Talk on Friday

Sinead Schwabl, Cell Biology, MUI: “The Dsc ubiquitin ligase complex mediates endosome and

Golgi associated degradation (EGAD) of orphaned membrane proteins to maintain post ER

organelle integrity”


Life Science PhD Meeting at University of Innsbruck, April 25-26, 2019

Gewinner PhD Symposium 2019 zuschnitt

Winners best talk and best poster from left to right: Ömer Gregor, Felix Grabherr, Eva Maria Fritz, Ludger Hengst