ABC2025 - Special Meeting on ABC Proteins |
From Thursday, 27. February 2025 - 12:00 To Monday, 3. March 2025 - 18:00

Several Advanced Lecture Courses and eight previous Special Meetings established the tradition of the ABC Meetings in Austria. Here, we proudly announce the next Special Meeting on ABC Proteins - ABC2025 in Innsbruck, Austria.
ABC2025 will cover all basic and applied aspects of ABC proteins, both in normal and cancer cells, their important roles in genetic diseases as well as drug resistance phenomena in cancer or microbial systems.
Leading scientists from all over the world and representatives of major pharmaceutical companies will present and discuss latest news on ABC proteins operating in bacteria, fungi, plants, parasites and humans. We were able to commit numerous leading experts to participate, with many new faces attending as plenary speakers.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Innsbruck, Austria!
ABC2025 Course Organizers
Location : Innsbruck, Austria Contact : |