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STS Conference Graz 2014

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From Monday, 5. May 2014
To Tuesday, 6. May 2014

STS Conference Graz 2014 “Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies”


The STS Conference Graz 2014 is the joint annual conference of
STS - the Institute of Science and Technology Studies at Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt - Vienna - Graz ,
IFZ - the Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture and
IAS-STS - the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society .


- Gendered careers and disciplinary cultures in science and technology

This conference theme particularly focuses on gender dimensions of careers and disciplinary cultures in science and technology. On the one hand we are interested in research with a focus on disciplinary cultures and their career paths and analyse therein the processes of gendering. In particular papers are welcome which analyse from a comparative perspective in what different ways and forms disciplinary cultures are being gendered.

On the other hand we are interested in the analysis of necessary structural changes of universities and research organisations to increase the participation and career advancement of female engineers and researchers. We are especially inviting papers with a focus on implementation and monitoring of gender action plans, involving activities as recruitment, retention and promotion policies, supporting work-life balance measures, updated management and research standards, supporting policies for dual careers-couple, etc.

- Life Sciences/Biotechnology

Abstracts are sought in two thematic areas:

First, following some 20 years of public debate, agricultural biotechnology and derived products such as genetically modified food/feed continue to be deeply controversial issues in the EU. Research should contribute to a better understanding of regulatory, broader policy or governance challenges of this technology and/or explore strategies to manage these challenges.

Second, in recent years, social studies of the life sciences were bound to large scale research programs. In many countries, these funding schemes have now come to an end. This is an opportunity to review these previous programs via collaborative engagement with the life sciences, as well as to explore new ways of inquiry. Submissions are encouraged to address these issues when analyzing the life sciences as a social process.

- Towards Low-Carbon Energy Systems

Based on analyses of social, technological and organizational frameworks of energy use, presentations should contribute to the shaping of sustainable energy, climate and technology policies. They should focus on socio-economic aspects of energy technologies or on strategies of environmental technology policy. They should develop measures and strategies for the promotion of renewable energy sources; for the transition to a sustainable energy system; or, contribute to the field of sustainable construction. Regional governance, climate policy strategies, innovation policy and the role of users are important themes as well.

- Challenges in Green Public Procurement (GPP) Research

The demand side policy “Public Procurement” is used to support the transition towards green, socially responsible and innovative markets. Nonetheless, scientific research in this respective field is still limited.
 Researchers investigating the following areas are encouraged to submit abstracts concerning:
 -the environmental impact or the innovation potential of GPP
 -the institutional context of GPP
 -the impact of socially responsible public procurement
 -the hurdles, success factors, efficacy, and wider implications of European or national policies for sustainable and innovative public procurement

- Sustainable Food Systems

Food security, nutrition, food quality and safety, resource scarcity, carbon foot prints and other challenges faced in urban or rural areas are currently dominating the industrialized and globalized food systems. Abstracts are encouraged that explore different forms of sustainable food systems, as well as related social practices and socioeconomic/technical processes in the production, distribution, marketing, and consumption of food. A particular focus lies on governance mechanisms, policies, and their (potential) contribution to a wider transformation towards more sustainable cities, regions and societies.

Location : Mozartgasse 3 8010 Graz Austria
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