A full-time Research technician (40 hours/week) position is available in the lab of Wolfgang Miller at the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology of the Medical University of Vienna. The main focus of our group research is on deciphering the complexity of host–microbe interactions between Drosophila and endosymbiotic Wolbachia and Spiroplasma bacteria and transposons on host fitness and evolution. We are combining genetics, molecular & cellular biology and microbiology in conjunction with cutting-edge NGS technologies.
You will be integrated in our dynamic research team and will be responsible for Drosophila maintenance, and will assist in a variety of molecular, cell biological and genetic projects as well as high-throughput phenotypic assays. Moreover, you are also expected to help with laboratory management.
This full-time post is expected to start with March, 2025 and is limited for 1-year with the possibility for extension subject to successful evaluation.
The following responsibilities are expected from you:
1. Molecular genetics and cellular analyses, including isolation of DNA, RNA and proteins; PCR, primer design, NGS library preparation, cDNA synthesis and preferentially FISH and ISH techniques
2. Drosophila stock keeping, typing and crossing of sensitive lines
3. Lab organization and management
Your profile:
We are looking for a highly organized and motivated candidate with good social and communication skills and practical experience in at least two of the three skills mentioned above, who is fitting the following profile:
• Experienced technician with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, or a related field
• Excellent understanding of the theoretical and technical principles of common techniques in genetics and molecular & cellular biology. Experience with the Drosophila system will be highly valued
• She/He should be willing to acquire further skills and contribute to the development of new analytic methods
• Excellent written and spoken English skills; Computer know-how and experience in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint is essential
In case of interest, please contact Wolfgang Miller (wolfgang.miller(at)meduniwien.ac.at).
The advertisement will be open until February 15, 2025.