/images/upload/20201125105310_LBG_Logo.png WINTER SCHOOL REVISE & REVITALIZE

08. – 12. 02. 2021




The LBG Career Center is offering an inaugural Winter School for pre- and post-docs of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft as well as other research organizations and universities. The goal of the intense 5-day Winter School Revise & Revitalize is to demystify the unwritten rules of writing and presenting to enable researchers to communicate their research successfully. 4 Modules and a writing retreat will give researchers an opportunity to work on their own writing projects in a structured and supportive atmosphere. The overarching theme of healthy working in research is integrated to give participants concrete tools for increasing productivity and maintaining work-life balance. The target group for the Winter School is junior and senior researchers working on English-language dissertations or journal articles who want to develop their skills for further careers in academia or scientific communication. 14 Participants will be selected according to an application process. The program language is English.


Apply with a CV (2-4 pages), a 1-page letter of motivation explaining why you think you‘d benefit from the Winter School, and an abstract of the paper or dissertation that you plan to revise at the Winter School. Deadline for applications: 14. 12. 2020

The target group for the Winter School is junior and senior researchers working on English-language dissertations or journal articles who want to develop their skills for further careers in academia or scientific communication.


WRITING PAINLESSLY & EFFECTIVELY: How can you build an argument and structure your writing to publish successfully? Dr. Katherine Caves (ETH Zurich) explains the unwritten rules of writing and publishing your research including argumentation, structure, style, and writing for the right audience.

REVITALIZE: How can focusing on personal strengths boost your goal achievement and well-being? Mag. Raik Thiele (Hikingdays Consulting) demonstrates practical tools that can be directly transferred to your daily work and research routine. Most of the sessions will take place outdoors and integrate nature as much as possible.

ON THE SAME PAGE - PEER EXCHANGE: How do you know you’re communicating what you intended to in your writing? Marc Abernathy (self-employed writing coach & editor) introduces an effective peer feedback method to ensure you’re writing is understandable and concise.

SHARPEN YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS: How can you create impact, inspire your audience, and leave a lasting impression with your presentation? Alison Joyce (self-employed presentation skills trainer & coach) shows you how to structure and deliver a powerful presentation.


Anbieter: LBG Career Center
Art: Seminar
Kontakt: Kaitlin Appleby, PhD
Program Manager
+43 5132750 36
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Anhang: PDF
ÖGMBT Mitglieder Ermäßigung: Nein


Datum Ort Teilnahmegebühr Anmeldung bis Anmeldung
08.02.2021 09:00 - 12.02.2021 18:00NiederösterreichPreis: Kostenlos No fee14.12.2020hier

No fee: Kostenlose Veranstaltung
OEGMBT member fee reduction: Ermässigt für ÖGMBT Mitglieder